Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Right now I'm on "fire guard" duty for our barracks, which means I have a one-hour shift in the middle of the night to sit around and hope for a fire so I don't fall asleep! The ol' CSO days are coming back to me now.

Night/Bed time is usually my time to journal. So, at about the time my body wants to sleep, my mind relaxes enough to reflect on prior events. For example, here is a glossary of terms I've learned since I've been here:

PT, proper noun: Physical Training. i.e. push-ups, sit-ups, running, etc.

Smoked, verb: The state of being so physically exhausted from doing PT that your body "smokes" with steam. Common usage: "If we do not shut up while at attention, we will get smoked by the drill sergeant."

Downrange, noun: A popular term for Basic Training because it is the popular location for getting shot at. Common usage: "You won't get away with that downrange!"

FTC, noun: Fitness Training Camp, most commonly referred to as "fat camp." Fat Camp is reserved for recruits who did not pass their PT test. Common usage: "FTC over here, now! Move your fat asses!"

Shark Attack, phrase: The event that occurs when multiple drill sergeants swarm around one person.

Anyway, I leave for Basic tomorrow, so my next "dispatch" should be from downrange.

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