Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Personal Note to T and J

Ben included this personal note along with the letter of the previous post:

T & J,

Hello from Missouri! Boot camp still hasn't started yet, damn it, but I'm having a good time in the process. I trust all is well and probably the same in SD. Let me know if it's not. And, well, let me know if it is, too.

I think I'll be able to access my email during Basic. However, I'll only be able to access my Army email address. I probably won't be able to check it for three weeks or so, but it would be nice to hear from you both.

On a more personal note: the days here are pretty long and boring, so I have a lot of time to think. It was weird having so much anxiety about this and now all of that is gone. SO, I'm in pretty good shape (except physically, for now) and I thank you for your prayers.

Life has become so much more simpler for me here. There is no drama. Drama is illegal here. I have one locker and four changes of clothes to take care of. That's it. It is a welcomed, temporary, situation.

I hope all is well T. Lights out in 5.



Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're alive and well, Ben. Jesica and I wish you the best and hope your time in boot camp is fruitful, rewarding, challenging and draws you into a deeper relationship with the Lord. Hang in there, Recruit Smith!

Anonymous said...

Ben! You are in the Army now?!!! Wow. Just simply, wow. Hang in there, and remember that God is at Fort Wood, and He can be your strength throughout boot camp (especially when you have 5 minutes to eat your meals). Keep us updated!

By the way, what specialization are you interested in?